

Prevents cancer
Mango fruit contains carotenoids, ascorbic acid, terpenoids and polyphenols: all responsible for cancer-preventive properties. These properties are attributed to mangiferin, a compound found in the fruit that inhibits the growth of cancer cells in the colon and liver.

Prevents heart disease

Eating mangoes can reduce body fat and control blood sugar, as they contain numerous minerals and phytochemicals. They are a source of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that helps fight radicals that cause heart problems.

Helps treat diabetes

What is the relationship between mangoes and diabetes? Well, some studies have shown that consuming half a mango for twelve weeks results in lower blood glucose levels. This effect is attributed to the presence of fiber and mangiferin.

In addition to this, mango skin has anti-diabetic properties.

Promotes healthy sex
Mango can also be an aphrodisiac. The fruit is rich in vitamin E, a fruit that stimulates sexual desire. Some studies have shown that the combination of vitamin E and beta-carotene improves sperm health, as well as being the best defense against sperm damage.

Mangoes are also rich in zinc, a very important mineral for the fertility of men and women.

Improves digestion
One of the main reasons why mangoes are good for digestion is the presence of fiber. Fiber keeps our colon clean and allows it to work optimally. Not only that, but mangoes contain certain digestive enzymes that break down proteins and aid digestion.
Fiber has also been shown to maintain the health of the digestive tract, which undoubtedly improves digestion.

Helps with weight loss
Some studies have focused on the importance of not only the mango pulp, but also its skin. The secret lies in the phytochemicals that act as natural fat eliminators found only on the outer side of the fruit.
As mentioned above, mangoes contain fiber, an essential contributor to not only improving digestion, but also weight loss.

Helps prevent asthma
Asthma, although very common, can have serious repercussions.

Mango is an excellent source of vitamin C and many studies have substantiated its positive relationship with asthma.

Improves eye health
The vitamin A and beta carotene contained in this delicious fruit help improve the health of your eyes, as it is known that severe cases of vitamin A deficiency can lead to blindness.

Mango consumption can reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration due to a carotenoid called cryptoxanthin.

Promotes brain health
Mangoes, being a great source of vitamin B6 and iron, are one of those foods that are ideal for brain health. Iron helps the normal functioning of this organ, and vitamin B6 supports its cognitive development. Therefore, it can be deduced that it improves our memory.

Improves immunity
Being rich in vitamin C, mangoes play an important role in strengthening immunity. Apart from this, they are a great source of zinc, a very important mineral for maintaining the overall health of the immune system.

Vitamin C is known to reduce the severity of allergies and helps fight infections. This vitamin mainly protects the body’s cells from reactive oxygen species.

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